
CARF, a company specialising in the field of refractory lining, offers design, supply, assembly and maintenance of various refractory lining for industrial furnaces and boilers. CARF is involved in various industrial groups, in a variety of fields such as the boilers, chemicals, cement, incineration, metalworks, iron and steel, paper industry, petrochemicals and refinery.

Awarded with the MASE certification, CARF proposes its specific skills in furnace works, industrial boilers and incinerators in a framework where safety, health and environment are main concerns. CARF’s clients include ARCELORMITTAL, TOTAL, VEOLIA, IMERYS, LAFARGE-HOLCIM, SMA, ENGIE, SAPA, CALCIA, ASCOMETAL, ORTEC, PETROINEOS, PMB ALCEN, etc.